So... I write a lot. Last week I was working on my novel for six hours a nigh every night.
And while it pays off (I'm currently two thirds of the way through revisions, yayyyy), it can make me a bit loopy.
Case in point:
I accidentally printed my entire novel at work this week. I was taking my lunch break and working on the book at my desk and hit what I thought was the quick save button.
Clearly, it wasn't. The save button and the print button are right next to each other. If you ask me, that is quite the design flaw for Word to have, but whatevs, I'll just buy the office a package of paper and call it even.
And while I'd normally be really happy to have all 300 pages of my novel printed out and in my hands, this was only halfway finished a the time of printing. So... yeah.
I'm basically an idiot.
Anyway, I thought, in honor of my success at being a ditz, I'd share with everyone the blurb on my novel, a few comments and descriptions of some of the characters, and maybe a few other things.
But you'll all have to wait till tomorrow. I know. I'm so mean. I also need sleep or I'm going to do another dumb thing. Like print out 300 useless pages for a second time
*so much facepalm*
And just so you know, I pretty much love anyone who is actually reading my blog at this point. I don't know if you're out there, but if you are, I'm blowing you kisses as we speak.
Love, love, love and see you tomorrow!
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