Sunday, August 4, 2013

NOT a love triangle

Well I don't have much to blog about today unfortunately. I got a new car this week. The local weeklong holiday in my town (UBIC, Uintah Basin in Celebration (it's a lame name for a decent event unfortunately)) happened.

Other than that, it's been a pretty good week for writing. I'm starting to think I might just reach the deadline I've set myself. That deadline being finish revisions by the end of the month.


So I'll leave those of you that may or may not be watch with this passage I just finished working on from Grim's Soldiers:

Noah got up, but Harvey stopped him. “If you ever give me any reason not to trust you, I will end you,” Harvey told him. “I may not know January that well anymore, but I know enough. She’s lived in this town all her life. She’s family around here. So if you hurt her, I’ll hurt you." 
“Alright I can handle that,” Noah said, his voice almost good natured. “But I have a few things to add.” He stepped forward, staring right at Harvey, emitting danger from every pore. “If you ever give me any reason not to trust you, I will end you as well, faster and easier than you could have done to me.” He smiled slowly. “And January has become rather important to me recently. I do know her. Better than she knows probably. So if you ever hurt her, I will destroy you.”
Noah stepped past him, following January out into hallway. 
If they had been in fact vying for the position of alpha male as January had suggested, Harvey wondered if he’d just lost.

Pretty great, eh? I'm proud of it. I like the interaction between my two favorite male characters. But maybe that's just me. And no, this is not a conversation happening in the midst of a love triangle. I think we've had enough love triangles for a while, don't you?

Anyway, wish me luck. Hopefully I can finish a few more chapter of revisions and touch ups before work tomorrow.

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